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Importance of the UI...

I hate to stretch this discussion out more, but I thought of one more really important aspect of the Frame UI, and it has nothing to do with me ... it is a lot harder to sell the use of Frame to others when the user interface looks old-fashioned and has genuine difficulties. Consequently, projects get done in Word, because that's always the default. And often I'm stuck with this because people refuse the Frame 'learning curve'.

An example, Word's revision tracking system has all kinds of problems, but it's simple to use and works acceptably well most of the time. Why couldn't Frame simple assign a conditional text to the categories of "new text", "deleted text", "reformatted text" etc. Then someone could turn on revision tracking and have the conditional text applied automatically.

This would be great for other work too. I'll often be applying one group of changes and could change the default conditional text types to what I need at the moment. Novices, however, would have it set up to a reasonable default.

- David Crowe

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