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Re: Workflow

In what respect do you find PDF to be too tedious for reviews? This is
what we use and people seem to really like it, especially now that we
are using Acrobat 7 Professional to make the PDFs so others in the
company can use the free Reader to mark up the PDFs using
highlighting, strikeouts, drawing tools, note tools, etc. When we get
an edited PDF back, we generate a report of the comments and then go
to town. It's quite easy.

We also bought a few licenses of WebWorks FinalDraft but found it to
be very limited in how you can comment on content changes, as well as
it being somewhat difficult for many of our reviewers to use (without

On 5/31/05, waynefb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <waynefb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We're having a workflow brainstorming session at work and from it we came away with limited solutions. I'm curious if anybody else has their reviewers directly edit frame documents, or how people are doing reviews. We have several people which need to review documents and they are located in several locations across the globe. The current idea is to use CVS and have them checkout the Frame document, mark it up and check it back in (we would control the commit process). But, I'm not sure how well this will work with multiple reviewers looking at the same document at the same time. While PDF might still be an option, nobody is thrilled with that option since it is a very tedious process for everybody involved.

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