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re: Frame Cross References in PDF


You wrote:

> We have a large project that currently resides in multiple folders.
> The problem with this is that the cross references in the PDF files
> that are produced require that the PDF files reside in a similar
> folder format.

> We could move all the Frame files into a single folder, but that
> would break all cross references.

> Is there a good way to preserve cross references while moving files?
> Is there a way to generate cross references in a PDF file that
> include just the destination file name?

Do you have different books converted to single PDFs, or
other variations (eg some PDFs created from FrameMaker

If the books are converted to single PDFs (all chapters in
one file), and PDFs have to be placed in the same folder, your
book files have to be in the same folder (chapters should stay
in their current location, so that cross-references will not be
affected). Save the books in a new common location and then
delete the old book files -- FM will adjust the path to the book
components automatically (and as the book files are in the same
folder, no path information will be stored, even though the
chapters are in different locations). To have links point to
"book.pdf" rather than to "chapter.pdf", all other books must
be opened before your print to .ps or save as PDF.

Alternatively, the latest version of FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers
has a RemoveFilePath function in its Link Controller.
It automatically removes any path information (relative/absolute)
from PDF links created, simplifying file management when FrameMaker
documents/books are in different folders/drives.
When testing or distributing your PDF document set, all PDFs
are placed in the same folder.

Shlomo Perets

MicroType * http://www.microtype.com
FrameMaker training & consulting * FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers
Template Design, Single Sourcing, FM-to-PDF & Technical Indexing seminars

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