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Re: Capitalization with variables

--- Lisa Bronson <Lisa.Bronson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Do I need different variables for the different
> capitalization schemes?
Answer: Yes
> If so, I might be better off using search and
> rather than variables,
> in this case.
Answer: Find/Change with ignore capitalization turned
on will find all instances of a given term, but you'll
need to make three passes, and in each pass specify
one of the three capitalization possibilities as the
"Change To" string in the Find/Change dialog. In each
pass, you'll have to evaluate each found occurrence to
determine whether it needs to be replaced with the
current Change To string.
Neither of these options is particularly appealing. If
most of the terms you're dealing with are what could
be construed as proper names, then you should adopt
initial caps as the standard in all contexts, allowing
you to efficiently use variable definitions. for all
the rest, I'm afraid you're stuck with one of the
options described above.

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