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Re: formating a TOC

Why not just format the list as:

<cattacin@xxxxxxxx> "Sandro Cattacin"

(and then delete any occurrences of "").

Most email systems will handle the email name and real name in this format, on one line.

I'm not sure that Frame is the best tool for this kind of manipulation.

- David Crowe

At 1:34 PM +0100 11/11/04, The PHOENIXTN ICT Team wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I'm working here with a document containing the papers presented to a workshop. Authors and their email are included together with other contact information in the document.

I need to extract this two "fields" to format a list like the following to create a email list:

cattacin@xxxxxxxx Sandro Cattacin
Isabelle Renschler
boncz.i@xxxxxx Imre Boncz
Kvetuse.Zikmundova@xxxxxxxxxxx Kvetuse Zikmundová

What I'm able to obtain by setting up a TOC is:

Sandro Cattacin
Isabelle Renschler
Imre Boncz
Kvetuse Zikmundová

Please, could any of you figure out how to format the paragraphs in the TOC to obtain the required output? One problem: there are authors without email address, then Run-In-Head formats are not a solution as far as I can see here. And I can't move the email address ahead the author in the master document following layout requirements.

Any idea will be welcome!

Thanks indeed,



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