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re: [f2a] Acrobat 5 and acrobat 6

My reply related to using Acrobat in the context of FM-to-PDF
conversion and described my experience (and the experience
of others).

I installed Acrobat 5.0.5 first, then installed Acrobat 6.
I create PDFs by printing from FM to PS, then distill the PS files
(I don't recommend using Save as PDF or printing directly
to the Distiller port because of some potential problems --
regardless of the FM or Acrobat versions being used).

If Microsoft Office applications are used as well, these
should be installed after installing Acrobat 5, so that they
are affected by the Acrobat 6 add-ons only.
(and good luck with PDFmaker!)

No "system hacking" or any particular skill were employed.

I test each and every PDF file I produce (essentials, display,
print, interactivity -- again, recommended regardless of
the specific FM/Acrobat version) and haven't noticed any
problem so far related to two Acrobat versions present
on the same system.

It was not practical for me to add more computers
to deal with multiple Acrobat versions. Many of my
clients use Acrobat 5 (or in some cases switched back to
it after upgrading).


Dov Isaacs wrote:

Please note that although one can "sort of" get parts of Acrobat 5 and 6
to work together on a particular Windows system, it is strongly NOT
recommended because:

(1) Depending upon order of installation / deinstallation / update / etc.
only Acrobat 5 or 6 can "own" the PDF file types, coordinate with the
Distiller, and be the PDFMaker owner.

(2) Because of the uncertainly of (1) above, it is difficult to reliably
support such installations.

(3) Adobe does not provide support for such installations. If you have
a problem and want Adobe's support, you will "clean" your system by
uninstalling all pieces and parts of Acrobat and Reader that you have
installed and install either one or the other.

Unless you are pretty good system hacker and know what you are doing,
we REALLY recommend that you don't try such parallel installations.
And furthermore, if you are successful at such an installation, please
don't encourage others with less skills to do so; you are doing them
no favors!

- Dov

Shlomo Perets wrote:
>You wrote:
> > are there any complications known when installing both Acrobat 5 and 6
> > (both full version) on one system?
>I have Acrobat 5 and 6 installed in the same system (and also Reader)
>and haven't experienced any complications.
>I know that Adobe's recommendation (also indicated as a warning
>when installing Acrobat) is to have only one Acrobat version in
>a computer. However, as PDF producers often need to support
>multiple Acrobat versions (for several reasons), having a separate
>computer (or OS partition) for each Acrobat/Reader version is
>not an option for many.

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