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FM7 help a step backwards


Has anybody commented on the current (FrameMaker 7) help?  I'm not
commenting on the content but the navigation tools. In FrameMaker 6 we had
good old reliable WinHelp4, with expanding contents, progressively matching
index, and boolean search.

Now we have a primitive and much slower assortment of contents/index/site
map pages in a frame, not expanding contents, no progressive matching on
the index, and a search engine of doubtful efficacy.  I know Adobe probably
thought it was too embarrassing to have a partnership with WebWorks
Publisher but continue to use WinHelp, but really! WWP offers both
JavaScript and Java help formats that provide similar functionality.

I have Opera set as my default browser and at first thought that the help
layout was some kind of Plan B in case JavaScript or Java didn't work, but
retesting with Netscape 6.22, Mozilla 4.7, and Internet Explorer 6 failed
to reveal any hidden 'proper' help.

[Windows XP Pro, FrameMaker 7.0p578, FrameScript 2.1r3, Enhance 2.04,
Acrobat 5.05, mif2go 33u34, WebWorks Publisher 7.05, IXgen 7.2p055, HTML
Help Workshop 4.74 build 8702.0, HTML Help 1.31]


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Hedley Finger
Adobe Certified Expert, FrameMaker 5.5.x
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