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I've taken over maintenance of some APIs developed for structured
FrameMaker.  My question relates to getting the F_ObjHandleT on a row, in a
table body, that I select from the structure view.  Normally, when I select
other elements, I can get the element range handle from 
	er = F_ApiGetElementRange(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_ElementSelection);
	where  'er'  is the FDK element range structure variable of type
F_ElementRangeT, a structure containing two F_ElementLocT structures, each
of which contains a handle to a parent and a child for the beginning and end
of the element range.

When I select any element in the body of document, such as a list-item or a
group of list-items, the F_ObjHandleT element ids are not NULL.  However,
when I select a table row, all the F_ObjHandleT element ids are 0.  I've
tried using the code snippet on page 119 of the FDK 7.0 Programmer's Guide,
to try and drill down to determine where in the table this range lives, and
came up with "You are not in a table at all"

I know that table-rows are part of FO_Tbl and should themselves be
identified as FO_Row.  But even to get there, I think I need to get a handle
for the selection before I can test for its type.  

Can anyone shed any light?


Chuck Vorndran

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