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Re: Mif2Go order received

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 13:09:46 -0500, "Peter Aldridge" <paldridge@xitron.com> 

>Well, I am doing my best with the manual, and trying not to conclude the
>Mif2Go is so hard to use that it would be easier to put up with Framemaker
>(the object of all this being to convert docs into Word because Frame is so
>hard to use).

LOL!  IMHO, Frame is no more difficult than Word, and way more stable.
And Mif2Go is designed more for creating copies of Frame docs in Word
for *review* purposes than for migration.  Fact is, a lot of Frame
features cannot be migrated to Word because Word does not have them.
So in many situations, we create a doc that *looks* like the Frame
one, but is not editable in Word as readily as in Frame.  This is
just what you want for review, not so great for migration.  But we
do not know of any tool *better* for migration, so there you are...
see User's Guide par. 6.1, "Converting to Word: a one-way street".

>Is there a way to export a document from Framemaker to Word that will
>automatically generate in Word the required Styles to duplicate the original
>Styles used in Frame?  If so can you point me at the right chapter?

That's what Mif2Go does by default if all you do is run it without
even looking at the mif2rtf.ini it creates.  Most people doing this
tell us they had good results out of the box within 15 minutes of
installation.  So if the step by step directions in Chapter 2 did
not work for you, we'll need a more specific question... please see
Appendix C, "Technical support for Mif2Go", for troubleshooting.

The best of luck to you!

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  (jeremy@omsys.com)  http://www.omsys.com/

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