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Master page problem importing a book from XML

I've encountered a problem in applying master pages during
import of a book from XML (or SGML). An EDD can assign formatting 
or context labels based on a context determined by any ancestor 
of an element, or by adjacent siblings of any ancestor. In 
particular, formatting of elements within a book component may 
be determined by elements in the book itself. When master pages 
are assigned during import of an XML book, however, it seems 
these elements are not considered. From the symptoms it seems 
likely that FM 7.0 applies master pages as each book component is 
completed instead of after processing the entire book.

In particular, I used the following EDD:

Element (Container): Book
  Valid as the highest-level element.
  General rule: Document*
  Attribute list
    1. Name: Attribute Choice Optional 
       Choices: Yes, No

Element (Container): Document
  Valid as the highest-level element.
  General rule: (<TEXT> | Paragraph)*
  Text format rules
     1. If context is: * < Book[Attribute = “Yes”]
          Context label: Custom
          Pagination properties
          Start position: Top of left page

Element (Container): Paragraph
  General rule: <TEXT>

I set up a template that applies custom master pages to the first
page of a Document with Context label Custom and to the first page
of a Paragraph. 

I used this template to import the following document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Book [
<!ELEMENT Book       (Document*) >
<!ATTLIST Book       Attribute      (Yes|No)  #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT Document   (#PCDATA | Paragraph)* >
<!ELEMENT Paragraph  (#PCDATA)>
<?Fm Book?><Book Attribute = "Yes">
<?Fm Document doc1.fm?>
<Document>this is text that is long enough to require more than one of
these little teeny tiny itsy bitsy text frames that only hold a few
short lines of text
<Paragraph>Start a new paragraph here which should trigger a
different master page.</Paragraph>

FM correctly created a book with a single book component. Since the
template defines a very small text frame, the book component has several
pages. The text format rule for Document is triggered by its context
within Book, which is the highest-level element of the Book. 

When I open the XML document, no custom master pages are applied. The
problem is solved by updating the book and checking the Apply Master
Pages box, or just by Apply Master Pages within the book component.


Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in FrameMaker+SGML consulting and training
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505
cell phone: (510) 421-2284

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