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OT:RE: FrameMaker Gets a Boost (news item in India Times, Nov. 24)

If I were an Adobe stockholder, I don't believe I'd let my greed get the
better of my concern for the shape of the computer industry in America.
Letting greed getting the better or principle is what's wrong with corporate
America in the first place.

If, in fact, Adobe was hiring these 50 programmers in India at the same
wages as here, than I wouldn't care as much. Instead, quite obviously, they
are looking to get the labor as cheaply as they can. This trend affects
computer professionals everywhere, not just in America. 

Where did we get the impression that there was something divinely inspired
in the logic of corporate and stockholder greed?

Walter Crockett

-----Original Message-----
From: KMcLauchlan@chrysalis-its.com
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:59 PM
To: becky@benchmarkpubs.com; Framers@FrameUsers.com; framers@omsys.com
Subject: RE: FrameMaker Gets a Boost (news item in India Times, Nov. 24)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Becky Swanson [mailto:becky@benchmarkpubs.com]
> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:42 PM
> To: Shlomo Perets; Framers@FrameUsers.com; framers@omsys.com
> Subject: Re: FrameMaker Gets a Boost (news item in India 
> Times, Nov. 24)
> I'd be celebrating a lot more if those jobs were here in the 
> US. Considering our
> economy, I think it stinks to ship even more jobs off-shore.

You probably wouldn't think that if you were an Adobe 
stockholder... or if you were one of the 50 programmers 
to be hired for FM 7.x and those other projects.


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