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Re: Cross-reference using marker text?


You wrote:

>... The manual for a client's software product has a heading "Finding, 
>and deleting XXX", with only one paragraph of text. This is the only place
>where the functions are described in full; they are identical except that,
>once you've done a Find, you can select Change or Delete from a context
>menu. The manual is distributed as a PDF.
>In another part of the interface, there's a toolbar with a whole heap of
>icons -- including Find, Change, and Delete. Client wants these icons to
>have labels that function as hot links in the PDF. That is, against the
>icons they want links "Finding XXX", "Changing XXX", and Deleting XXX", all
>going to the aforementioned heading. (Restructuring isn't the answer; the
>toolbar is an optional extra, so the main information has to stay where it
>is. Splitting into three, with separate headings, looks poor. Using
>"invisible" paras with white text also doesn't look good. I question the
>value of the hot links, but the client is always right.)
>The nice and easy way would be to set up three separate spot xref markers in
>the heading, and use them as the xref source; but I can't see any way of
>getting different text into the xrefs. Ideally, I'd like "Marker Text" as a
>building block in the xref format; then I could set up the three spot
>markers the way I want them, and use them as the icon labels.
>Any ideas, anyone?

Use hypertext markers in the buttons to link to the target location,
this will also let you control the active area precisely so that the
button interactivity looks better (entire button highlighted versus
just the linked word).

If the button labels exactly match the wording used in the heading
(which does not seem to be the case here), you could also break-up
the heading so that it is composed of a number of paragraphs with
the run-in pagination property (except the last fragment). You can
then use regular cross-references, adjusting TOC specification as

Shlomo Perets

MicroType * http://www.microtype.com
FrameMaker, Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat 

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