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Re: FM-to-Word & vice-versa (was Re: Another newbie question:

XML is a file format and FrameMaker is a program. This isn't
the same situation and Word and FrameMaker.

To answer your question, it depends where the XML originated from
and what it contains. From FrameMaker 7, roundtripping XML should 
not be a problem.

        - Dov

At 8/8/2002 01:33 PM, Craig Ede wrote:
>Does the same apply to XML<=>FrameMaker round-tripping?
>>>> Dov Isaacs <isaacs@Adobe.COM> 08/08/02 03:04PM >>>
>I have been following this discussion all morning and want to confirm
>that in the general case there is no way that one can do round-tripping
>from Word to FrameMaker and back yielding a Word document that matches
>the original Word document exactly.
>Neither Word nor FrameMaker are supersets of the other. They have 
>different feature sets that make different in-context assumptions
>about the content involved. Only with the simplest of text-based
>layouts can one come even close to a "round-trip" identity. And
>this isn't just a FrameMaker issue with Word or vice versa. Unless
>two document processing programs have identical feature sets, a
>common document format, an identical interpretation of those features
>and format, and a common layout engine, conversions of content between
>two such document "systems" will always at best be a series of guesses
>and compromises. And workflows that depend on round-tripping, except
>for simple, well-crafted situations, will always be highly problematic.
>This also extends to issues such as FrameMaker to PDF and then attempting
>to reconstruct a FrameMaker document from the PDF file. At best, the
>text and a large amount of the formatting can be resurrected. The original
>document, including styles, cannot be.
>        - Dov
>At 8/8/2002 11:23 AM, Sean Brierley wrote:
>>Why would you expect roundtripping to work?
>>My perception is that FrameMaker and Word do things in
>>very different ways for very different audiences.
>>Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, but neither
>>one duplicates the other. They do not completely
>>overlap each other; Word and FrameMaker each do things
>>the other cannot.
>>I think the idea of near-seamless roundtripping is not
>>reasonably possible.
>>--- Barbara White <bjw@sei.cmu.edu> wrote:
>>> eric.dunn@ca.transport.bombardier.com wrote:
>>> In an environment where you have Word people and FM
>>> people, it would be
>>> nice to have a way to go back/forth between Word and
>>> FM in collaborating
>>> on the same document.  
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