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DAV workgroup text insets can fail to inset

Text insets in Frame files are useful. Usually they're other Framemaker
files included by reference in 'container' Frame documents using the
drop-down command in Frame: File->Import->File. You then select the file
to be imported from the file system browser that pops up, and select 'By
Reference'. The dialog box that pops up next, "Import Text Flow by
Reference", allows you to select the text flow you wish to import from the
document you've chosen. A frame document may have more than one flow and
each is given a unique name. The default flow is named simply "A".

If you use a DAV service to manage documents, part of an Apache web server
containing folders managed by the DAV service, and import files from the
DAV file hierarchy using the Frame command:  File->Workgroup->Import you
won't be given a choice of text flow to import. Instead Frame imports
automatically the default text flow 'A' from the chosen file. If that's
not the flow you want, or if it's empty, your text inset will be

The work-around is to check out the text inset document from the DAV
server, and include it by reference from the local working directory.

Bummer that the Workgroup import function is limited in this way.

 Joseph Woodard, (510)748-9811, 2050 Eagle Ave., Apt 1, Alameda, CA 94501
 Email: jwoodard@best.com      On the web at http://jwoodard.best.vwh.net

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