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RE: FM+SGML: prefix from EDD not appearing in PDF bookmarks

Hi Dan,

first of all: thanks a lot for the explanation of my problem in other words.
Maybe my first message was not clear enough for all readers.
By the way: this is not the first time we used this trick (language-specific
prefixes) and I did use the trick for some ATA compliant AMM / SRM
publications (only meant for paper, so bookmarks were not important at all
at that time).
This is the first time I used prefixes that were supposed to end up in
bookmarks. So I'm not to happy that this is now declared as bug in FM :-(
I think I will have to use paragraph formats (but this can mess up my
inhertitance that I neatly set up in the EDD :-(( ) or use autonumbering
strings (and keep in mind to leave the already present numbering intact).

But thanks anyway!

Theun Fleer

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Emory [mailto:danemory@primenet.com]
Sent: woensdag 20 maart 2002 19:01
To: Theun Fleer; framers@omsys.com; Shlomo Perets; Dov Isaacs
<isaacs@Adobe.COM>"FrameSGML List"
Subject: Re: FM+SGML: prefix from EDD not appearing in PDF bookmarks

Theun Fleer describes this situation:
Element names (e.g., "Mounting") describe the title of a topic. At some
higher level of structure, there is a choice-type Language attribute. When
a language is selected in this attribute, the EDD prefix rules for the
Mounting (and other similar) element produce the word "Mounting" in the
selected language, which is a pretty nifty way to automate the translation
of key topic titles.

Another situation where the need for prefixes and suffixes arises is when
creating EDDs for ATA 2000 DTDs. In this case, the numbers assigned to
titles (e.g., chapter, section, subject, task, subtask, figure and table
titles) are a segmented sequence of separate numbers (each segment having a
different meaning) with each segment from a different attribute in these
elements. Since some of these number segments are non-sequential, it is
impossible to implement these numbers by means of autonumbers, hence prefix
and suffix rules, which pick up and format the associated attribute values
are the only possible solution.

However, when you generate PDFs for FM+SGML structured documents, and you
include in the bookmark the names of elements which have prefix and suffix
rules, those prefixes and suffixes are omitted from the generated
bookmarks, even though they correctly appear within the body of the PDF
document. Thus, in Theun Fleer's case, the entire title text (which is in a
prefix) is missing from the bookmark.

I confirm that this is a bug in FM+SGML 6.0. I do not know whether or not
the bug was also present in FM+SGML 5.5.6.

One of the main advantages of FM+SGML is its superiority as a print engine
for generating well-formatted PDFs from structured documents. The ability
to use prefix and suffix rules in an EDD to solve what otherwise would be
intractable problems is another huge advantage of FM+SGML. But these
prefixes and suffixes are used precisely in the kinds of elements whose
text you want to appear in bookmarks.

Therefore, I classify this FM+SGML 6.0 bug as a major show-stopper, which
should be fixed immediately (Dov Isaacs, are you listening?)

Schlomo, to you have any tool that gets around this problem?
| Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
177 Riverside Ave., STE F, #1151, Newport Beach, CA 92663
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