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RE: Word installation keeps losing the PDFMaker

As a coincidence, I had a similar problem just yesterday. I tried
uninstalling and reinstalling Acrobat 5 to no avail. In the end I spotted
that what Word is looking for to load the PDFMaker buttons/menu is a Word
template file called PDFMaker.dot. This is installed by Acrobat in
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\PDFMaker", and should also be copied by
the Acrobat setup program to the Word startup directory (something like
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Startup"). 

I found the .dot file was there in the above Startup directory, but then I
noticed for some reason the startup directory defined in Word had been
changed (don't remember doing it myself!) to 
"C:\Documents and Settings\jims\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP"
(where jims is my username). I put a copy of the PDFMAker.dot file in that
local startup directory, restarted Word and lo and behold the PDFMaker
buttons were there OK. You can find out the Word startup directory by going
to Tool / Options, click the File Location tab, and look for the value for

Now why it changed I don't know, but maybe this is the same problem you are
having. I am running Office XP on Win 2000 though.


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