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Epic Editor to Frame

My department is looking at some single-sourcing solutions. The first one
would be a Frame (and IXGen, FrameScript, AutoText, DocTools, etc.) and
WebWorks solution within Documentum to produce PDF and online help. At some
point in the future, we would try to add XML into the equation. That
solution involves software that several of us already have experience with.

The second solution comes from an ArborText representative. He told my boss
that he knows of some documentation shops that use the following flow.

1. Using the DocBook DTD, you create the text in XML using ArborText's Epic

2. You send that XML through ArborText's Interchange program, which converts
the XML to MIF.

3. You import that MIF into Frame to generate the PDF documentation.

4. You go from Frame to WebWorks to generate the online help information.

Although the learning curve would be higher for us, this solution would give
us an XML solution now instead of later.

Does anyone have experience with a solution similar to the second one?


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