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Re: Can a Variable have multiple lines?

Daniel Reagan wrote:
>I have a set of instructions which repeats steps 3 - 6 throughout the
>document. I have written the instructions like this:

>Step 1 This is different depending on the circumstance
>Step 2 This is different depending on the circumstance
>Step 3 Always the same
>Step 4 Always the same
>Step 5 Always the same
>Step 6 Always the same

>I have been trying to use a Variable but can not seem to get past this:

There's a better way than using a variable:
Put steps 3 through 6 in a different Frame file and
import them (as a text inset) where needed. That's
probably the easiest way to go.

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, ARRIS
"Content creators are the engine that drives
value in the information life cycle."
    -- Barry Schaeffer, on XML-Doc

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