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HTML Messages

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 12:37:44 -0800, Chuck Hastings 
<cwh2@earthlink.net> wrote:

>Rejecting .html postings is one more burden
>which FU has chosen to carry, besides running
>ads and dropping politically-incorrect subscribers.

I'm afraid I have to say I'm with Brad on this one.
We block HTML mail too.  In fact, I've had to edit
each of your posts by hand, removing the HTML, and 
repost them onto the list.  That is why you will see
a delay between your post's time and its actual

I was about to write you off-list about that, when
I read what I was reposting (I usually don't) and
decided I'd reply on-list after it appeared.  

There are two problems with HTML messages on lists.
First, they destroy the digest entirely; nobody can 
read past the first such message in it.  Very sad.
Second, they are heavily used by spammers.  In fact,
*all* spams (we're talking Get Rich Quick and porn)
are HTML mail.  We have an elaborate set of filters
to catch them... but the winner is always the HTML
blocker.  We get at least one of these every day.
So there's really no way around it.

If your mail client has *any* docs, please use
them to find out how to turn this off.  If it
doesn't, use its tech support facility, even
if they charge for it.  I am personally real
tired of cleaning up for this one... and need
to ask your cooperation, so that all of us,
regular and digest users, can continue to
enjoy a spam-free list.  Thank you!

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, Free Framers list admin
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