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Re: Where Did Palatino Go?

At 12/5/2001 02:52 PM, a very frustrated Layna Andersen wrote:
>Yep -- when I try to print a file via the Acrobat Distiller, it switches
>fonts on me, and a look at the Format>Font list shows Palatino and Times
>(the boss's favorite fonts) greyed out. I have them on my COMPUTER, so
>why can't AD use them? This is irritating...
>Layna Andersen
>Production Specialist
>Stellent, Inc. 
>(formerly IntraNet Solutions)

At 12/5/2001 04:59 PM, Layna Andersen then wrote:
>Yep -- when I try to print a file via the Acrobat Distiller, it switches
>fonts on me, and a look at the Format>Font list shows Palatino and Times
>(the boss's favorite fonts) greyed out. I know I've used -- and printed
>-- these fonts before! Yet, they're not in my Adobe Type Manager,
>either. This is irritating...
>Layna Andersen

This is actually a very simple one! 

The "problem" is that Layna really DOESN'T have Times or Palatino
installed on her system. If Adobe Type Manager doesn't show them,
they are not installed!

Then why was she able to choose these fonts for her documents and
print to PostScript printers with them? Because unfortunately, the
font enumeration architecture of Windows and its drivers is such
that not only are fonts that are installed on the user's computer
reported, but also fonts that only available on current printer
device as well. In Layna's case, when the "current printer" was
an actual PostScript printer, a whole bunch of fonts such as
four faces of Times, eight faces of Helvetica and Helvetica Narrow,
four faces of Courier, four faces of Palatino, four faces of Bookman,
four faces of New Century Schoolbook, four faces of Avant Garde,
as well as one face each of Symbol, Zapf Chancery, and Zapf Dingbats
are reported as available to applications such as FrameMaker,
the user attempts to format text in one of these fonts, the OS
will attempt substitute a font for display without warning!

But when such fonts are used and you "switch" to the Acrobat Distiller
printer instance which doesn't have many "resident" fonts, you end
up with the grayed out fonts and/or substitution upon Distillation
and/or Distiller job failure.

The safest way to avoid this problem is to not let printer-resident
fonts report themselves as present per the lengthy email I sent to
this list a few weeks back associated with the Zapf Dingbats display
problem workaround. You can find this "fix" posted on the Adobe
User-to-User Forums at:


        - Dov

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