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RE: Frame vs. word AGAIN

At 9:27 AM +1000 17/10/01, hedley_finger@myob.com.au wrote:
>We also use conditions
>to handle spelling and idiom variations, for example, "color" in USA and
>Canada versus "colour" in Australia and UK,

  Whoa Hedley! It's *colour* up here in the great white north. Most of 
us prefer the British spelling conventions. But as we are so close to 
the US market, there is some pandering to US (Webster) convention in 
the print media. We often have disputes about such things. :-)

>or "one through four" in USA
>versus "one to four" in Canada, UK, and Australia.

  In this case I can't make a determination without the rest of the 
context. I can see cases where one or the other would be used.

- web

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