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ANN: Frame 6 sale at Fatbrain/BN.com is back


So many people have written me about the blink-of-an-eye sale of the Frame 
6 book at www.fatbrain.com and www.bn.com, the one that came and went in a 
day, that I thought I'd pass this on.

The book is again on sale for $36.00 -- 20% off retail. Again, I'm as 
surprised as anyone.

To find it, search on "Neuburger", the word "framemaker", or the title/ISBN:

   Masters Series: FrameMaker 6
   ISBN 1-930597-01-0

The shipping prices for International orders are especially attractive.

They have 75 copies in stock, so the sale should last for more than a few 
days. See below for an explanation of their stocking/listing procedure; it 
explains what happened earlier.)


Tom Neuburger

WHAT HAPPENED--The way Fatbrain/BN.com works with small publishers is to 
list titles when they are in stock, de-list them (i.e., "we don't carry 
it") when stock runs out, and re-list them when new stock is acquired.

So if you see a "we don't carry it" note, check back. They're just waiting 
for the next shipment. That's what happened a week or so ago; when they ran 
out of stock, the book toggled to "don't carry". Odd, but that's the way it 
works for titles like ours.

At some point, I'll post a note about the online book biz in general -- 
it's fascinating what's happening, and some of you may be interested in 
following this path. That world is changing even as we watch.

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