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Re: Adding Fonts

To directly answer you questions ...

(1) What ATM does is display the font name found in the PFM
file, not the .pfm filename itself. It copies the .pfm file
and the associated .pfb file into the \PSFONTS\PFM and \PSFONTS
directories respectively (there is an option, at least with
ATM Deluxe, to install without copying the files, i.e. access
the fonts and metrics from wherever ... I do NOT recommend that).

(2) ATM builds a directory of \PSFONTS for .pfb files and
\PSFONTS\PFM for .pfm files. You shouldn't muck with this.
By the way, you should NEVER be manually moving files in or
out of these directories. Always install via ATM itself!!!!

        - Dov

At 9/11/00 12:47 PM, Colin Green wrote:
>Hi Dov,
>Thanks for the answer - it helps. But I'm still unclear about some things. If you wouldn't mind, I have a couple of follow-up questions.
>1. Do I understand correctly that you mean that ATM automatically adds the .pfb file when I add the .pfm file - as long as the .pfb are properly located? 
>2. You mentioned that "when it ...[ATM]... finds
>a .pfm file, it looks for the corresponding .pfb file first
>in the same directory and failing that, in the directory level
>below the current one". My current psfonts folder is set up such that the .pfb files reside so:
> psfonts
>   |
>     .pfb [files]
>        |
>           pfm folder
>               |
>                  .pfm [files]
>This seems to be the opposite of what I understand you to be suggesting that it should be. Is this so? If so, do I need to rearrange my directory structure for psfont? Should I toss the .pfb files into the same folder as the .pfm?
>>>> "Dov Isaacs" <isaacs@Adobe.COM> 09/11/00 12:22PM >>>
>ATM "looks for" .pfm files, not .pfb files, for purposes of
>deciding what fonts are available for installing. When it finds
>a .pfm file, it looks for the corresponding .pfb file first
>in the same directory and failing that, in the directory level
>below the current one.
>        - Dov

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