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FW: Welcome to framers

Hello all,

I'm performing a simple copy and paste of some fonts. (Specifically, 
they are a maple leaf icon, arrow [Common Bullets, Geographic 
Symbols.]) Can anyone think of any possible reasons why when I paste 
these icons from one document to another document (in the same book 
file), that when pasted the new icons look much smaller? Object 
properties, Paragraph Tags, Character Designer, etc. were all checked 
and the settings appear to be identical in the old and new section.

Any suggestions and comments will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in 


From:  Majordomo@omsys.com[SMTP:Majordomo@omsys.com]
Sent:  Friday, June 09, 2000 12:26 PM
To:  Jeannie Lin
Subject:  Welcome to framers


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We are still developing the process by which we will ensure
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