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Re: Disappointment at attitude

I wrote:
For an analogy, think of a live seminar with several thousand well-mannered
people listening to presentations. After each presentation, the meeting is
opened up for questions from the floor. Now, suppose one person keeps
getting up and asking questions that were answered fully during the

And Jeremy Griffith answered:
>Straw man, and a poor one at that.  The analogy just doesn't hold.  We
>don't have sit-down presentations here, with everyone arriving at once
>and hearing the same thing.  It's more like a marketplace, with a constant
>flow of buyers and sellers coming and going.  So you heard someone hawking
>apples a few minutes ago, and your neighbor who just got there asks where
>the apples are...  Do you berate him for missing the announcement?
The analogy is closer to reality than you state, because most of those
requests for help on recurrent topics are coming not from list newbies, but
from people whose names I recognize as having been subscribed for months,
and in some cases years. Of course someone brand new to the list has no
context to rely on, and ought to be cut some slack. But people who have been
on the list long enough to have that context ought to realize that the
professional and responsible thing to do is to begin saving posts which
contain useful nuggets of information about issues they may have to confront
in the future. For example, most postings from Dov Isaacs ought to be saved
for reference by almost everybody. If everyone did that, it would
substantially cut down the volume of postings on the number 1 list topic:
PDF problems.
     | Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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