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RE: Brad's policies

>> most people ... can't afford the time to sift through volumes of 
>> garbage to get to a small nugget of information that may or may not
>> help them.

> But that's exactly the situation now with the BradList. 

Here's what kept happening to me: 
(1) A search through the archives finds either (a) posts that are slightly
relevant, (b) posts that are irrelevant, (c) too many posts, (d) too few
posts, (e) more than one of the above, (f) nothing at all. 
(2) I post to the list. "Hey I know it's been asked before but I can't 
find it in the archives...."
(3) I get answers.

Now, wash, rinse, and repeat for several hundred people. What happens? 
List traffic goes UP. And it's harder to easily find answers to common 

Yep, it gets to be a catch-22 situation. 

Of the three categories Dan offers (lurkers, questioners, and those with
answers), I've been all three. I started out as a questioner -- what 
Frame newbie doesn't? Then for a while I became an answerer (answered as 
many questions as I could, gave hopefully-helpful suggestions when I 
didn't have hard answers). Then the list volume exploded and the posts 
started coming in waves. A lot at once, then only a few for a day or two, 
then another huge bunch, and I couldn't keep up. So now I'm usually a 
lurker. I watch the subjects, occaisionally looking at the ones that 
sound interesting. And I watch the senders; I have a list of people whose
posts I automatically look at. I'm still hoping to find the nuggets. 
But gone are the days when I'd post something I thought of as a neat/new/
cool/improved way to do something in/with Frame. 

I miss the Frame list I was on when I started using Frame. Yeah, it was
framers@frameusers.com, but it's a different list now. 

> Nullius in Verba 
What *does* this mean, anyway? 

--Ananda Stevens
(ananda@sdsi.com still works, for a while yet anyway)

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