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RE: autonumbering

Helen asked, in part:
>Here's what I am using for the autonumbering:
>Section 1 is C:<n+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>
>Heading 1 is C:<n>.<n+>< >< >< >
>Heading 2 is C:<n>.<n>.<n+>< >< >
>Figure is C:<n>< >< >-<n+>< >
>Table is C:<n>< >< >< >-<n+>
>What I am getting is
>Section 1
>Figure 1-1
>Table 1-1
>1.2.2 instead of 1.2.1
>1.2.3 instead of 1.2.2
>1.2.4 instead of 1.2.3


For what you want, change the placeholders in your headings 2 and 3 to <n>
instead of < >.

>Section 1 is C:<n+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>
>Heading 1 is C:	<n>.<n+>< >< >< >
>Heading 2 is C:	<n>.<n>.<n+>< >< >
>Figure is C:		<n>.<n>.<n>-<n+>< >
>Table is C:		<n.<n>.<n>< >-<n+>

If you want a number to appear in the autonumbering string in the paragraph,
there must be an "n" (or "a" or "A") in the placeholder. The purpose of the
placeholder < > is to allow you to achieve exactly what you're getting: a
chapter-only level Figure and Table number scheme 
(fig 1-1, table 2-2) within a chapter that has subordinate level numbering
for its headings.

I'm out of practice setting this up, so I don't know what'll show up if you
have a Heading 1.2 and then a figure below that (Figure 1.2-1, I think, but
you might get 1.2.0-1). 

Deborah Snavely

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