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Re: isolat2.rw

I just went through this for a client. Those characters for which there are
no rules don't have ANSI numbers. You need to have installed on your system
the font you're going to use (e.g., Times New RomanCE). Now, open the
on-line manual for character sets, unlock it, and save it under another name
in your working directory. Next, highlight the entire column in which the
character corresponding to each hex code/ANSI number appears, and apply the
font you're going to use to that column. Then look down the column for the
character of interest (e.g., Abreve) to find the hex code in the same row.
That's the one you want to specify in the R/W rules file.

You will also find that some ISOLatin2 characters correspond to locked code
points (i.e., code points that are unavailable). There are five of them. If
the language you're translating to uses any of these code positions, you're
up the creek. The only alternative is to specify those characters in the
rules file as variables, put in some dummy character string in the variable
definition. Obviously, that won't give you the right character in FM+SGML,
but when you export the doc to SGML, the correct entity reference will be
produced (declare the entity in the DTD).

Finally, there is a bug in FM+SGML 5.5.x that compounds the problem.
According to the developers guide, the order in which the #include
statements for the .rw files appear in the main r/w rules file determines
the precedence. But this is not true. There are a number of code points in
the isolatin2 character set that correspond to the same code points in
isolatin1. In those cases, FM+SGML chooses the isolatin1 entity rather than
the isolatin2 entity, even though the #include statement for isolatin2
appears before isolatin2. FM+SGML appears to have the order of precedence of
these entities "hard wired". The only way to make it work is to comment out
in isolat1.ent and isolat1.rw both the entity declarations and the
read/write rules for the conflicting entities.

Now, are you appropriately confused?

At 11:25 AM 7/27/99 -0400, Weinstein, Ari wrote:
>**Posted on behalf of my colleague, Bob Ducharme
><mailto:ducharmr@moodys.com>. Please reply to us both.**
>The iso*.rw files included with FM+SGML map ISO character entity references
>to the appropriate characters. For example, isolat1.rw begins with the
>following lines:
>  entity "aacute" is fm char 0x87;
>  entity "Aacute" is fm char 0xe7;
>  entity "acirc" is fm char 0x89;
>  entity "Acirc" is fm char 0xe5;
>isolat2.rw, however, consists almost entirely of lines like this:
>  /* No rule for entity "abreve" */
>  /* No rule for entity "Abreve" */
>  /* No rule for entity "amacr" */
>  /* No rule for entity "Amacr" */
>  /* No rule for entity "aogon" */
>Does anyone know of an available copy of isolat2.rw, suitable for use under
>NT, that performs the FrameMaker+SGML mappings for the ISO Latin 2 character
>Ari M. Weinstein     | Moody's Investors Service
>Software Engineer    | New York
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Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
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