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Re: HTML And/Or PDF?

At 03:02 PM 5/19/99 -0400, Josh Norton aka Benjamin Rowe
<browe@one.net> wrote:
>I'd like to see some of these fantastic XML documents; can you give
URLs to
>some examples? I have the IE 5 browser. The stuff I've seen so far
-- and
>the XML output of Frame on my own formatted-for-publication files --
>doesn't live up to the hype.

The Wall Street Journal Online and E-Bay are two that come to mind
that actually use XML.  Most of the Auction houses use some thing
like this, and a large number of the translation folks I talked to at
STC 46 in Cincinnati last week are also looking at it.  Yes, the
tools are crude right at the moment, but that will change.  HTML
tools (and DTP tools) were crude and unsophisticated at 2y old as

XML is going to require some effort to conver to, but I don't think
any of us will want to go back (as a general rule) once we get past
the tool problem.

PS: I have a PDF of the handout I used for an intro presentation on
XML at that conference.  There are a fair number of references for
learning about XML on it.  If you want the slides and speaker notes,
those are available too at:

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