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Adobe: Show that your are interested in your customers thoughts!


What about resurrecting the comments@frame.com or frame@adobe.com or
whatever address as an alias to the mailbox of the current incumbent of
your position.  That way, if you change roles or leave, our mail still goes
to somebody sympathetic.

I couldn't believe that Adobe had discontinued the 'comments' mailboxes.
Surely product development and marketing benefits from feedback from
consumers to steer future product enhancements and to identify niche
markets for targeted promotion.  But after going through the hoops of
trying to submit suggestions a few times through the www.adobe.com feedback
page, I've given up.

It seems a little arrogant on Adobe's part to expect people, out of their
own goodwill and support for a product, to spend their time filling out
forms just so some automated system can import their messages into a
defect/enhancement tracking system.  Bug reports, enhancement requests, and
marketing suggestions are OUR department.  Filing, database maintenance,
and trend tracking are YOUR department.

'Form' pages are okay but you can't fill them out off-line and a lot of us
with 28.8 kb connections and a taximeter ticking over can't afford the time
and expense to use this route.  If Adobe were really interested in user
feedback, they should be prepared to accept 'unformatted' messages OR
supply an ASCII or Frame 'template' document that people can fill in
off-line and then mail.  That way we could add all the repetitive contact,
platform, and version administrivia to the template and add all the work


Feel free to send questions, comments, enhancement requests, etc. regarding
FrameMaker products to my attention.



B. Mark Hilton
Group Manager, FrameMaker Marketing
Professional Publishing Solutions
Adobe Systems Incorporated

> I used to have an email address at Adobe to which I could
> sent ideas for
> enhancements. That address no longer works.
> Does anyone know how to contact Adobe to present ideas,
> particularly using
> email.


Hedley Finger
   User documentation and publishing consultant
   Adobe(R) Certified Expert, FrameMaker 5.5

Hand Holding Projects Pty Ltd   ACN 007 418 153
   28 Regent Street   Burwood VIC 3125   Australia
   Tel +61 3 9809 1229   Fax +61 3 9809 1326   Mobile +61 412 461 558
   E-mail <mailto:hfinger@handholding.com.au>

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