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Re: It Stinks - Reply - Reply

More snippage.

> I never said it was a rule.  I said it was my experience.  It's no lie: every technology firm I've worked for over the last five years has used
Visio.  The largest of these firms was 150 people.  

I never said your experience was invalid. I just pointed out there are other experiences out there. It's more the tone of your post that irked me; it doesn't take into account that these other experiences exist.

That's something I've tried to do when I run my local FUN -- not to assume that all Frame users are like my experience. And I've enjoyed learning that there are many widely diverse experiences out there with Frame. The tools may be different, but many of the needs and frustrations are remarkably similar.

Use whatever tools like Visio you need or wish to use. But remember that Frame is unique as it supports a very wide variety of formats through filters. That makes work a lot easier for a lot of people.

By the way, whenever I've had a cross-platform image file problem, I've been able to use HiJaak Pro on a dept. pc to convert the image to a format I can use. And this only cost something like $69.

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