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re: Setting different char properties for page numbers in first and2nd level entries in index


You wrote:

> I'm using Frame to format books and build an index. I have a 2-level
> index using different Pgf formats for level entries, with different
> indents, italica chars and a automatic num for the prefix "v. " on
> Index2IX

> Unfortunataly I cannot manange to get the page numbers of second level
> entry in italic (the level 1 entries page number has to be formatted
> with a regular Angle). I can set the angle of ALL page number references
> using <ixPN><$pagenum> in the reference pages, but this rule applies
> indistinctly to all level of index.

> Any Idea (defore use FDK)?

> Abacus....... 1234
> V. ABS... 4321
> (only v. ABS is in italic)

<$pagenum> is indeed equally applicable to all index levels.
But as a post-generation step, you can use the Paragraph Designer
after generating the index. In "Level2IX", set the Angle back to
Regular and Update All, then make it Italic and Update All.
[this will have to be repeated when you regenerate the index]

Shlomo Perets

MicroType * http://www.microtype.com
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