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RE: formating a TOC

Does it have to be *totally* automated? If you generate Name<tab>Email, you
could convert the list to a table, then cut the first column and paste as the
second column.

Bill Marcotte

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: November 11, 2004 1:20 PM
To: framers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; framers@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: formating a TOC

That's the point! Surely FM is not the best tool for this kind of
manipulation, but it is quite convenient for generating the list from this
information in each of the papers composing a proceedings book. In each
paper, I've an author and several co-authors followed by her/his email. What
I want to do is, instead of copy-pasting again each entry, generate a
document with the proposed format that is the entry for an application that
automatically generate email distribution lists in our email server.
Following several received advises to use Side Heads, I can generate without
problem the list as:
Sandro Cattacin cattacin@xxxxxxxx 
But not as:
cattacin@xxxxxxxx Sandro Cattacin

As far as the author is always before his/her email address.
I'm not dealing with a structured document. Just a document with the
correponding paragraph formats applied to each piece of information. 
Any idea will be welcome!


>>> David Crowe<David.Crowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 11/11/2004 19:00 >>>

Why not just format the list as:

<cattacin@xxxxxxxx> "Sandro Cattacin"

(and then delete any occurrences of "").

Most email systems will handle the email name and real name in this 
format, on one line.

I'm not sure that Frame is the best tool for this kind of manipulation.

-  David Crowe

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