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Re: Visio 2003 Font Mishagoss! (Was: Visio 2003 SVG files in FrameMaker)

On 21 Sep 2004, at 00:23, Dov Isaacs wrote:

It has been a while since I dared play with Visio, but on the basis of
this posting I did start Visio 2003 up to see what the "save" options looked
like these days. Yes, I couldn't find an EPS save feature - good riddance,
it didn't work worth a damn, anyway! And indeed I found the SVG save option.
The simple SVG samples I generated seemed to open without any glitches in
Adobe Illustrator 11.

You might like to try OmniGraffle <http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omnigraffle/>. It can import and export Visio XML files, and export to TIFF, PDF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and EPS.

I started using Adobe Illustraotor 3.0 on a NeXT and have turned out tons of diagrams, charts, and illustrations over the years on the Mac (3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 10). However, OmniGraffle puts the fun back into charting, and complex diagrams can be knocked together is seconds. Multiple undos, graphic palletes, rubber banding... It's really cool. We've even got a diagram of our home computer network!

FWIW, Paul

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