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RE: more on Frame losing .png files; floating anchors solved

A good *free* editor is ConText (http://www.context.cx/ )

Grant Hogarth
Technical Writer
Equis International, a Reuters company

Direct: (011 1) 801.270.3180
Main Fax:        801.265.3999 
ghogarth@xxxxxxxxx / Grant.Hogarth@xxxxxxxxxxx 
-----Original Message-----
From: Stevens, Karen (GE Healthcare, non-ge)
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:21 PM
To: Thomas Michanek
Cc: Free Framers
Subject: RE: more on Frame losing .png files; floating anchors solved


>> (p.s. For your next Word-vs-Frame battle: it took 45 minutes for a 
>> Dell with a 2.2Ghz processor and 528mb of RAM to open a 13,392 page 
>> text file.)

> Don't use these tools to check MIF files, use an ordinary text editor

Granted. I had to *find* wordpad, first -- which finally happened this
afternoon (the joys of not being the first person to use a machine...). 

K. Ananda Stevens

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