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RE: Semi-bogus "Inconsistent Numbering Properties" message Frame 7.0

> Are you setting the numbering properties in the book window 
> (had to ask)?
> Are you sure that the numbering properties in the error 
> message are page or 
> chapter numbers? Perhaps your paragraph numbering, or 
> footnote numbering 
> are where the differences lie.

Yes, I went through the numbering settings both by clicking on the file in
the book, and by opening the file.  They compared fine.  (This is not as
easy to do as I would like, with multiple files, multiple tabs.)

The test I used was:

Take a book that updates with no errors whatsoever.

Open any file that has "Continue page numbering from previous page in book"
(in my case, that's any file other than the first in the book).

Change the first page number from whatever it shows to something else.

Re-select "Continue page numbering" because it changed when you entered a
different number in First page #.

Click set.

(Note that the above is exactly what happens when we import formats from our
template file:  the first page number is reset to 1, but Continue numbering
remins the selected option.)

Regenerate book:  the file that you changed will be reported with
inconsistent numbering properties.

Look in file:  the First page # field has been reset to the "correct" number
during the update--even though "Continue numbering" is still the selected

Regenerate book (without having changed anything):  no inconsistent
numbering error.

So basically, we get this error any time we import formats from our template
and include "Document Properties".  In my opinion, FrameMaker should not
care what number is in the First page # field if that option is not
selected.  Then we would not get this error.  I see no reason why I should
care about a non-selected option.

Also, when error/inconsistency dialogs become routine, it's easy to click
"Continue" or "Skip remaining messages" and miss some messages that you
really ought to read, because they indicate real problems.

Ed (Retry, Abort, Ignore, Continue, FakeIt) Treijs

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