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RE: PPDs and PS and PDF ?(was Re: framers digest: February 07, 2004)

At 2/10/2004 09:13 AM, Steve Rickaby wrote:
>At 9:46 am -0700 10/2/04, Combs, Richard wrote:
>>Right. If you set up Distiller with the Herkules PPD, you're
>>artificially and unnecessarily restricting the PostScript sent to
>>Distiller according to the limitations of the Herkules printer.
>As it was me who introduced the Herkules into the argument, I think that this is precisely what is needed in this specific workflow - to *not* generate anything in the PDF that is incompatible with the target Linotype machine.
>>It's not the PostScript that goes to _Distiller_ that must match the capabilities of the Herkules; it's the PostScript that goes to the _Herkules_. And _that_ gets generated when the PDF is _printed_ to the Herkules, using a
>>printer instance defined with the Herkules PPD.
>Sure, this is true, and for this particular workflow, I have no idea how they do this, although I expect they use an Adobe rasterizer.
>The idea of a PPD *restricting* PDF properties to make them compatible with a specific printer is a useful one. However, a question: does the PPD I use to generate Ps for Distiller when creating a pre-press PDF have any relationship to the PPD the print shop  uses when converting that PDF for plate-making? If not, then there is clearly no reason for me to use a Herkules PPD, or any PPD other than the Distiller default.
>Regarding your other points, I would not use the Herkules instance for anything other than this particular printer's workflow.

To directly respond to your question and response:

"Does the PPD I use to generate Ps for Distiller when creating a pre-press
PDF have any relationship to the PPD the print shop  uses when converting that
PDF for plate-making? If not, then there is clearly no reason for me to use a 
Herkules PPD, or any PPD other than the Distiller default."

That is correct. There is NO relationship between the PPD used to generate
PostScript for distillation into PDF and the PPD used by the print shop
as part of process of producing a plate via PostScript from the PDF file!
And yes, there is clearly no reason for you or anyone else to use a PPD
other than the Distiller PPD provided with Acrobat.

        - Dov 

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