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Another mousewheel question, FM6 on Win2K, AOpen mouse


I did a Google search on getting a mouse wheel to work
with FM6 on Win2K.  It seems I need a Microsoft mouse
with intellipoint softward, or I need a Logitech mouse
as per the Framers Digest extract below.  I also
checked "Scroll wheel on my mouse won't work in
FrameMaker" in Adobe's Framemaker FAQs.

My problem is that the machine I'm using is not mine,
and the mouse is neither microsoft nor logitech.  It is
AOpen, "M/N: S-48a".  I went to www.aopen.com and
surfed to the North American site.  The only drivers
they had were not for Win2K.  I installed it anyway,
and it made the scroll wheel fail for all other
applications (prior to that, it only failed with FM).
So I uninstalled it and things went back to normal.
Still no scroll wheel action on FM, though.

I believe the current mouse driver comes with Win2K.
The following information was found via the device
manager in an entry titled "PS/2 Compatible Mouse"

 - Under the General tab:
   Device type: Mice and other pointing devices
   Manufacturer: Microsoft
   Location: on Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to ISA bridge (ISA mode)

 - Under the Driver tab:
   Driver Provider: Microsoft
   Driver Date: 11/14/1999
   Driver Verson: 5.0.2183.1

   Pressing "Driver Details" showed the following.
   Driver files: c:\WINNT\system32\drivers\i8042prt.sys
   Provider: Microsoft Corporation
   File version: 5.00.2195.6655

There is also a button to update the driver, which made
it connect to the web.  It said that I already have the
appropriate driver (probably because I just updated
windows).  I updated the driver anyway, but the above
information didn't change.

Is there anyway to get the scroll wheel working with
FM6 on Win2K with my AOpen M/N: S-48a mouse?  Is there
anyway to get a Win2K driver for this mouse?



P.S.  Sent to comp.text.frame, framers@xxxxxxxxx,
and microsoft.public.win2000.hardware
Fred Ma
Dept. of Electronics, Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

FRAMERS Digest for Monday, August 14, 2000
Subject: Resolved: FM & MS Intellimouse
From: Mark Baker <MBaker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 15:47:01 -0700
X-Message-Number: 27

Thanks to all who replied, even to commiserate. "Mouse problem." Sounds
pesky, but was really gnawing a hole in my patience. (Groan...)

I'm happy to report that aristide briand's solution did the trick: download
and run m83setup.exe (Mouse Driver v8.32) from


Mark Baker
Timeline, Inc.

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