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Re: Scratch Volume is Full Error

What Distiller is warning you of is its perception that the disk
volume that has your TEMP directory (as defined under Windows)
is almost out of space. Depending upon the size and complexity of
the document you are printing and distilling, the disk space you
need in the TEMP directory might be quite considerable. If you
are simultaneously running FrameMaker and other applications, they
are also making significant use of the space on that volume.
One thing you should often check is to make sure that "doggie-droppings"
aren't left in the TEMP directory after a program terminates. In other
words, for better or worse some applications (alas, including 
FrameMaker unfortunately) will leave some of those temporary files
in TEMP file after either terminating or crashing. After rebooting
your computer, it may be well worth it to clean all regular files
out of the TEMP directory before starting up applications anew!

        - Dov

At 4/10/2003 10:31 AM, Owen, Clinton wrote:
>FM 6.0, Distiller 4.05, Win2K
>We received this error in the middle of distilling a PDF: "The Scratch
>Volume is Nearly Full," then the rest of the job was flushed. The distiller
>temporary file is large, 1.2 GB, but the same job ran OK on the same
>computer yesterday. We ran the job on a different computer (same setup) with
>no problems. I have seen this Scratch Volume message before, but don't
>remember what we did about it, if anything. Can anyone explain this issue?
>Clint Owen, ELDEC

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