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Re: Online Help: OmniHelp

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 07:06:56 -0500, "Spreadbury, David C." 
<David.Spreadbury@marconi.com> wrote:

>We produce our docs with FrameMaker7 (structured) on Windows NT. The
>applications are ported to both Windows NT and Windows 2000, as well as UNIX
>(specifically Solaris). Is there one online help package that can be used to
>target both end operating systems, Windows and Solaris?
>I know mif2go, RoboHelp, and WebWorks will work fine on Windows. My sticky
>point is the Solaris side.

We've just made the initial release of OmniHelp, a cross-platform
tri-pane system written entirely in JavaScript... an Open Source
application (LGPL license).  See the Design Report on it at:

This should work just fine on Solaris, Linux, Mac, as well as on
any flavor of Windows.  While the contents and index files can be 
produced by anyone (the simple JS formats are fully documented),
currently Mif2Go is the only HATT that will generate them from
FrameMaker automatically.

At present, we only have the info on OmniHelp on our own servers,
not on SourceForge where it is nominally housed.  That is because
of technical difficulties updating the SourceForge site; in the
meantime, the information on our site is the best source.  In
addition to the Design Report, we've put the entire 500+ page
Mif2Go User's Guide into it as a full-scale real-world example:

We welcome feedback on this initiative, as well as participation
in the design and further development of OmniHelp.  We've started
it, but it will work best if the whole Help community joins in!

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  (jeremy@omsys.com)  http://www.omsys.com/

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