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RE: going with (or against) the flow

To change all text frames to be in the same flow:

Go to the master page, Ctrl + right-click the text frame, choose Object
Properties, in the Flow panel change the Tag field to "A".

Then, I believe, you have to manually connect the now disconnected text
frames in Flow A (Format > Custom Layout). Check the online help for the

Jim Stauffer
Sr. Technical Writer
BeamReach Networks
Sunnyvale, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Foster, David [mailto:dfoster@Brixnet.com]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 2:27 PM
To: FreeFrame (E-mail)
Subject: going with (or against) the flow

I have a master page with this (unfortunate) flow, from top to bottom:

Flow B -- a chapter number
Flow C -- a chapter title
Flow A -- the chapter body

It occured when I added frames for B and C to an existing template.

This is ok (ok, it's sloppy, but I can live with it) until I use the Frame
to generate some other file. In PDF and HTML help, the chapter number and
title appear at the end of the chapter (which makes sense, for as night
follows day, C follows B which follows A). This is an easy, but tedious, fix
in PDF. I'm not sure what the fix in HTML help is, and I don't want to find
one. I want to fix the problem.

1. Am I correct in assuming that the chapter number/name last syndrome is
indeed a result of the flow I've created?
2. Is there any way to rechristen these frames?
3. If not, what's the easiest way out of this mess? To create a new master
page with the frames in their proper order?

Details: Frame 6 on Windows.


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