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Remember Missing Font Names

Hi all, 

I *must* be reading something wrong in the documentation of FM.

I have some documents created on the Macintosh using Adobe Garamond and HelveticaNeue fonts. I need to run these documents through WebWorks Professional to create online help. The problem is in the fonts.

I consistently get the old favorite missing fonts message. I've read everything on the web, and nothing I do seems to correct the problem. I can get the fonts mapped correctly (i.e. Frame font Adobe Garamond to Windows font Agaramond), but Framemaker won't just do the substitution -- it has to pop up a dialog box for each file. This means WebWorks can't do the generation.

Fine, I say, I don't care that the fonts get mapped anyway. I'm assigning font types in my WebWorks scripts, so the originals can start as Times for all I care. I thought I could solve my problem by unchecking "Remember Missing Font Names", opening and saving the file, then re-opening the file. Missing fonts, I thought, would now be taken care of.

Not so! I've restarted Framemaker, restarted the machine, and played with the maker.ini file. I CANNOT get Frame to forget missing font names.

My theory is that this has something to do with ATM. I'm running Adobe Type Manager 4.1, the one that came with Frame, on my windows machine. I have found two lines that deal with ATM in the maker.ini file, and tried all combinations of "On" and "off" for them. No results.

Can anyone tell me how to do what I want? Some options that I can't do:
(1)Open all the files in Framemaker before running webworks. I have about sixty chapters of material, and Frame starts in with "You may not have enough memory" after about 25. 
(2)Install more fonts. I purposely bought Mac and Windows versions of all the postscript fonts we're using.
(3)We have a member of our documentation team that is adamant about not using TrueType fonts. So, we would like to stick to these if I can get them open, error-free, on Windows.

Here I my maker.ini, if it helps:

;   maker.ini    This is the Adobe FrameMaker initialization file.

;------------------------- Generic information -----------------------------

User=Lee Creighton
Company=SAS Institute Inc.

;--------------------------- Misc preferences ------------------------------
; The period MUST be used for specifying the decimal point.
GreekSize=3.0 pt
CrossPlatformFileNaming=Windows 9x/2000/NT
PluginExtensions=DLL, DLX, EXE
;FrameMakerPDFAssistant="Acrobat Distiller"
AutoSave=On 5

; Suppress these extensions if suppressed in the shell.
SuppressExtensions=fm, book

Zoom=25, 50, 80, 100, 120, 140, 150, 160, 200, 400
PenWidths=0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 4.0
ClipboardFormatsPriorities=FILE, OLE 2, EMF, META, DIB, BMP, MIF, RTF, TEXT

; If UseDisplayUnitInTemplate is On, default display units are taken from 
; document templates. Otherwise, the values are taken from here.


ShowQuickAccessBar=On H    


; force to bring up unknown file type dialog

;----------------------------- Directories ---------------------------------
; If it is not an absolute path, then it is relative to the FMHome directory.
OpenDirOnStart=C:\SI\JMP 4\Documentation\SGG


;-------------------------------- Files -------------------------------------
; If it is not an absolute path, then it is relative to the FMHome directory.







0=C:\SI\JMP 4\Documentation\SGG\SGGPairedData.fm
1=C:\SI\JMP 4\Documentation\SGG\SGGBarLineAndPieCharts.fm
2=C:\SI\JMP 4\Documentation\UG\UGCharacteristicsOfData.fm
3=C:\SI\JMP 4\Documentation\UG\UGFormulaEditorFunctions.fm
4=C:\SI\JMP 4\Documentation\SGG\SGGDistributions.fm

;------------------------- Dialog & Window layout ---------------------
MakerWin=1, -32000, -32000, -1, -1, 275, 27, 1231, 996
PCatalog=1153, 211, 126, 650
CCatalog=1117, 137, 139, 429
Tools=58, 250
Equation=727, 85
Spell=594, 6
PFormat=736, 226
CFormat=547, 313
Search=0, 20
Table=7, 63
Ruling=0, 20
Markers=592, 457
Hypertext=0, 20
CondText=0, 20
Numbering=457, 374
Help=0, 20
Thesaurus=0, 20
TemplateBrowser=0, 20
VQuickAccessBar=0, 20

;------------------------------ API Clients ------------------------------
;ClientName=ClientType, [facet, format_id, vendor_id, ] description, path, optional file extension for filter
; when ClientType is filter type, facet, format_id, and vendor_id is required.
; for example, RTF=TextImport, RTF, RTF, FAPI, Rich Text Format (RTF) Import, filters\rtfimprt.dll,^.rtf
ClickPrint=Standard, Print Online Manuals, fminit\clickprt.dll
;FrameMakerPDFAssistant=Standard, Change default printer for Acrobat Distiller, fminit\framepdf.dll
; Ichitaro clients
ICHITARO5=FileToFileTextImport, JAW, MIF, JAW, IVY, ICHITARO5 Import,filters\jbw2mif.dll,^.jaw
ICHITARO6=FileToFileTextImport, JBW, MIF, JBW, IVY, ICHITARO6 Import,filters\jbw2mif.dll,^.jbw
RTF Japanese=FileToFileTextImport, RTF, MIF, RTF, IVY, IVY RTF-J Import,filters\rtfj2mif.dll,^.rtf
RTF (Japanese)=FileToFileTextExport,MIF,RTFJ,RTFJ,IVY,RTF Japanese Export,filters\mif2rtfj.dll,^.rtf
CGM Import IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXImport, CGM, FrameVector, CGM, ISO, CGM Import, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.cgm
;IGES Import IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXImport, IGES, FrameVector, IGES, ISO, IGES Import, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.igs
;DXF Import IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXImport, DXF, FrameVector, DXF, ISO, DXF Import, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.dxf
;HPGL Import IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXImport, HPGL, FrameVector, HPGL, ISO, HPGL Import, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.hpl
CGM Export IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXExport, FrameVector, CGM, CGM, ISO, CGM Export, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.cgm
;IGES Export IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXExport, FrameVector, IGES, IGES, ISO, IGES Export, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.igs
;DXF Export IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXExport, FrameVector, DXF, DXF, ISO, DXF Export, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.dxf
;HPGL Export IsoDraw=FileToFileGFXExport, FrameVector, HPGL, HPGL, ISO, HPGL Export, filters\IsoConverter.dll,^.hpl
HTML=ExportFilter, HTML, HTML, ADBE, HTML Export, fminit\html.dll,^.htm
XML=ExportFilter, XML, XML, ADBE, XML Export, fminit\xml.dll,^.xml
;WMF Export Adobe India=FileToFileGFXExport, FrameVector, WMF, WMF, ADBI, WMF Export, filters\adobeIndiaWMF.dll,^.wmf
Asian Character Count=DocReport,Count the number of Asian characters in the document., fminit\jwordcnt.dll
Mailer=Standard, Send Mail API Client, fminit\mailer.dll
WordCount=DocReport,Count the number of words in the document, fminit\wordcnt.dll
BookErrorLog=Standard, Report errors during book generation, fminit\bookerrlog.dll
PDFSize=Standard, Optimize PDF Size, fminit\pdfsize.dll
WWPPE6=Standard,WebWorks Professional Edition Plugin,C:\Program Files\Quadralay\WebWorks Publisher Professional Edition\bin\wwppro6.dll

;---------------------- Dash Pattern Definitions -------------------------
1=Dash, 8, 6
2=Hidden, 4
3=Longdash, 16, 10
4=Dot, 2, 4
5=Dash-Dot, 12, 6, 2, 6
6=Dash-Dot-Dot, 12, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6
7=Chain, 12, 6, 6, 6
8=Phantom, 20, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

;-------------------- Thermometer Color Definitions -----------------------
ThermoDoneColor=255, 0, 255
ThermoRemainingColor=192, 192, 192

;------------------- Document Compare Utility Setup -----------------------

;------------------------- Spelling options ----------------------------
FindTwoInARow=On !,.:;?
IgnoreWordsContaining=On .
FindSpaceBefore=On !%),.:;?]}\xC8\xD3\xD5\xDD
FindSpaceAfter=On $([{\xC7\xD2\xD4\xDC\xE2\xE3

; Smart Quote Characters
; SmartQuotes \xd4\xd5\xd2\xd3 )  English curved quotes
; SmartQuotes \xe2\xd4\xe3\xd2 )  German-style quotes with base quotes
; SmartQuotes \xd5\xd5\xc7\xc8 )  French-style quotes using guillemets
; SmartQuotes \xd5\xd5\xd3\xd3 )  Swedish- and Finnish-style quotes
; SmartQuotes \xd4\xd5\xd2\xd3 )  Italian curved quotes
; English curved quotes:

;                           Font Options

; ATM Auto-activated Fonts
; ATM allows a font that is present on your system but not in an active
; working set to be "auto-activated".
; This option only has an effect if ATM 4.0 or greater is installed and
; enabled on your system.
; By default, Adobe FrameMaker will attempt ATM font auto-activation. An entry
; is written to the Frame console when a font is auto-activated.

; ATM Substitute Fonts
; For some fonts that are unavailable on your system, ATM can synthesize
; a substitute font having identical metrics for the unavailable font.
; When a substitute font is used, the text will not appear the same;
; However, line breaks and formatting are not compromised.
; This option can be useful when editting a document created on another
; platform which references fonts unavailable on your system.
; This option only has an effect if ATM 4.0 or greater is installed and
; enabled on your system.
; By default, Adobe FrameMaker will not attempt ATM font substitution. An entry
; is written to the Frame console when a font is substituted.

; Space characters within a line using printer font metrics.
; Adobe FrameMaker always uses printer font metrics to calculate where
; linebreaks and pagebreaks occur. However, by default, the relative
; position of each character within a line is displayed on the screen
; using screen font metrics. This "looks" better on the screen but is
; misleading in that the positions of characters within a line on a
; printed page may be different than on a displayed page. In particular,
; if you are trying to position a graphic relative to a character in a
; line, you should change this setting to "On" which results in the
; the use of printer font metrics when displaying lines.

; Sizes which will appear in the Format dialog boxes:
Sizes=7pt, 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt, 24pt, 36pt

; Definition of the font vocabulary:
;   Angles, Variations: a list of the words.
;   Weight: the list of words and the associated weight for Windows, if any.
Angles=Regular, Kursiv, Slanted, Oblique, Italic, Obliqued

Variations=UltraCompressed, ExtraCompressed, Compressed, Condensed, Narrow, Regular, Wide, Poster, Expanded

Weights=Thin 100, ExtraLight 200, SemiLight 250, Light 300, Book 300, Regular 400, SemiBold 600, DemiBold 600, Bold 700, ExtraBold 800, Heavy 900, Bolded 700

; Default used to map unknown fonts:
DefaultFamily=AGaramond,Times, Times New Roman, Tms Rmn

; Defaults used to map unknown Asian fonts:
; Japanese font in JIS X 0212-1990 Shift-JIS 
DefaultJapaneseFamily=‚l‚r –¾’©

; Korean font in KS C 5601-1987

; Simplified Chinese font in GB 2312-80

; Traditional Chinese font in Big5

; Frame font family used for FrameMath:

; Frame font information used for UI calculations
UiCalcFont=MS Sans Serif, 8, 600

; Font used for dialogs on Asian systems with non-Asian resources
; Japanese font in JIS X 0212-1990 Shift-JIS 
DefaultJapaneseDialogFont=‚l‚r ‚oƒSƒVƒbƒN, 9

; Korean font in KS C 5601-1987
DefaultKoreanDialogFont=System, 10

; Simplified Chinese font in GB 2312-80
DefaultSimplifiedChineseDialogFont=System, 10

; Traditional Chinese font in Big5
DefaultTraditionalChineseDialogFont=System, 10

; Frame font used for banner window

; Frame font families that will not be spell checked:
NonTextFamilies=ZapfDingbats, Symbol, WingDings, Monotype Sorts, Euro Monospace, Euro Sans, Euro Serif

; Angle/Weight aliases used when reading documents from other platforms
; (basically synonyms used when reading a document):


; This section gives the Frame font name for a Windows font. 
; The format is Windows_Font=Frame_Font
; Note this is the only place in maker.ini which refers to Windows fonts.
; All other maker.ini font entries refer to the FrameFont.
; The format is (on a single line):
;  A_WINDOWS_FONT_NAME,[Italic | Regular |*],[A_WEIGHT |*]=
;  A_FRAME_FONT_NAME, [ AN_ANGLE | * ], [ A_WEIGHT | * ], 
;   [ A_VARIATION | * ]
;  A_WINDOWS_FONT_NAME=a valid windows font face as it appears in other
;                      Windows applications.
;  A_FRAME_FONT_NAME=anything, but generally it is chosen to have
;                    Frame cross-platform compatibility.
;  A_WEIGHT=Defined above as Weights=
;  AN_ANGLE=Defined above as Angles=
;  A_VARIATION=Defined above as Variations=
; In the absence of an alias, the default aliasing is always applied,
; it can be written:    
;     Windows Family Name, *, *=Windows Family Name, *, *, *
; The following are example of entries:
; Helvetica, Italic, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Regular
; HelveticaNarrow, *, *=Helvetica, * , * , Narrow
; HelveticaNarrow,Italic, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Narrow

Courier, Italic, *=Courier, Oblique, *, Regular

Helvetica, Italic, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Regular
Helvetica-Narrow, Regular, *=Helvetica, Regular, *, Narrow
Helvetica-Narrow, Italic, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Narrow
;Added manually
Helvetica-Condensed-Bold, Regular, *=Helvetica, Bold, *, Narrow
Helvetica-Bold, *, * = Helvetica, *, Bold, *

AvantGarde, Italic, Regular=AvantGarde, Oblique, Book, Regular
AvantGarde, Italic, Bold=AvantGarde, Oblique, DemiBold, Regular
AvantGarde, Regular, Regular=AvantGarde, Regular, Book, Regular
AvantGarde, Regular, Bold=AvantGarde, Regular, DemiBold, Regular

Bookman, *, Regular=Bookman, *, Light, Regular
Bookman, *, Bold=Bookman, *, DemiBold, Regular
;Added manually

AGaramond, *, *=Adobe Garamond,*, *, *

Helvetica, *, *=Geneva

Osaka, *, *=MS Mincho

;  This section is for mapping unavailable fonts when reading a document.
;  The format is:    Frame Font Unavailable=Frame Font Available
;  The format for a Frame Font is (on one line):
;  When no mapping is provided the defaults are used in the 
;  Default section of [Fonts]
;  Examples:
;    Lumina,*,*,*=Helvetica, *, *, *
;    Helvetica,*,Light,*=Helvetica,*,Regular,*
;    Helvetica,*,*,UltraCompressed=Helvetica, *, *, Narrow

; Mapping for fonts commonly used by Frame Products on non-Windows platforms:

Chicago, *, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, *
Geneva, *, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, *
NewYork, *, *, *=Times, *, *, *
Monaco, *, *, *=Times, *, *, *
Helvetica, *, *, Condensed=Helvetica, *, *, Narrow

; If you open a document with PostScript fonts without ATM with a non-PostScript printer:

Courier, *, *, *=Courier New, *, *, *
Times, *, *, *=Times New Roman, *, *, *
Helvetica, *, *, *=Arial, *, *, *
Helvetica, Oblique, *, *=Arial, Italic, *, *

; If you open a document with TrueType fonts and you don't have TrueType:

Times New Roman, *, *, *=Times, *, *, *
Courier New, *, *, *=Courier, *, *, *
Arial, *, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, *
Arial, Italic, *, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, *

; For import

Helvetica-Narrow, Regular, *, Regular=Helvetica, Regular, *, Narrow
Helvetica-Narrow, Italic, *, Regular=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Narrow

; Mapping for Japanese fonts commonly used by Frame Products on non-Windows platforms:

; Japanese fonts in JIS X 0212-1990 Shift-JIS 
HeiseiMin, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *				
HeiseiMin W3, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *				
HeiseiMincho, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *

; if you have ATM-J and •½¬–¾’©W3 installed , uncomment the next line
; and comment out the line following.			
;Heisei Mincho W3, *, *, *= •½¬–¾’©W3, *, *, *
Heisei Mincho W3, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *
•½¬–¾’© W3, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *				
•½¬–¾’©, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *				
Ryumin, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *					
L ƒŠƒ…ƒEƒ~ƒ“ L-KL, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *		
ƒŠƒ…ƒEƒ~ƒ“ L-KL, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *			
SaiMincho, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *				
×–¾’©‘Ì, *, *, *=‚l‚r –¾’©, *, *, *				
HeiseiKakuGo, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *		
HeiseiKakuGothic, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *	
Heisei KakuGo W5, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *	

; if you have ATM-J and •½¬ŠpƒSƒVƒbƒNW5 installed , uncomment the next line
; and comment out the line following.	
;Heisei KakuGothic W5, *, *, *= •½¬ŠpƒSƒVƒbƒNW5, *, *, *	
Heisei KakuGothic W5, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *	

•½¬ŠpƒSƒVƒbƒN W5, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *	
•½¬ŠpƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *		
Gothic BBB, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *			
M ’†ƒSƒVƒbƒN BBB, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *	
’†ƒSƒVƒbƒN BBB, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *		
ChuGothic, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *			
’†ƒSƒVƒbƒN‘Ì, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *		
Osaka, *, *, *=‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN, *, *, *			

HYSMyeongJo-Medium, *, *, *=¹ÙÅÁ, *, *, *
HYGoThic-Medium, *, *, *=µ¸¿ò, *, *, *
STSong-Light, *, *, *=ËÎÌå, *, *, *
STHeiti-Regular, *, *, *=ºÚÌå, *, *, *
MSung-Light, *, *, *=²Ó©úÅé, *, *, *
AppleMyungjo, *, *, *=¹ÙÅÁ, *, *, *
AppleGothic, *, *, *=µ¸¿ò, *, *, *
Seoul, *, *, *=µ¸¿ò, *, *, *
Beijing, *, *, *=ËÎÌå, *, *, *
Fang Song, *, *, *=·ÂËÎ_GB2312, *, *, *
Hei, *, *, *=ºÚÌå, *, *, *
Kai, *, *, *=¿¬Ìå_GB2312, *, *, *
Song, *, *, *=ËÎÌå, *, *, *
BiauKai, *, *, *=¼Ð·¢Åé, *, *, *

;----------------------- FormatList --------------------------
; n=<format name> <offset> <size> <signature in hex>
; for example
; 100="XXX Format" 0 4 0x11223344
; the hex value must be started with 0x or 0X. the size of the signature 
; must match the size of the size defined in size entry.

;------------------------- Filters ---------------------------
; n=<formatid><vendorid><source-name> <destination-name> <type> <description> <via> <file-extension>
; <vendorid> and <filterid> are 4-byte strings (if shorter, blank-pad on
; the right and enclose in "quotes") -- the concatenation <vendorid><filterid>
; is used by the product to identify filters uniquely.
; n is not used by Adobe FrameMaker, but the ini file format requires
; the items to the left of the = to be unique.

1="CDR " IMAG CDR  FrameVector GFXImport  "Corel Draw" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.cdr
;2="CGM " IMAG CGM  FrameVector GFXImport  "CGM" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.cgm
3="DIB " FRAM DIB  DIB         FMGFXImport "DIB" Frame.exe ^.bmp
4="DRW " IMAG DRW  FrameVector GFXImport   "Micrografx Drawing" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.drw
5="DWG " IMAG DWG  FrameVector GFXImport   "AutoCAD (DWG)" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.dwg
6="DXF " IMAG DXF  FrameVector GFXImport  "AutoCAD (DXF)" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.dxf
7="EMF " FRAM EMF  EMF        FMGFXImport  "Windows Enhanced Metafile" Frame.exe ^.emf
8="EPSF" FRAM EPSF DIB         FMGFXImport "EPS/EPSF" Frame.exe ^.eps
9="PDF " FRAM PDF DIB         FMGFXImport "PDF" Frame.exe ^.pdf
10="FRMI" FRAM FrameImage FrameImage   FMGFXImport "Frame Image" Frame.exe ^.fmg
11="FRMV" FRAM FrameVector FrameVector   FMGFXImport "FrameVector" Frame.exe ^.fmv
12="G4IM" IMAG CCITTG4 FrameVector GFXImport "CCITTG4" imagmark.dll ^.g4
13="GEM " IMAG GEM  FrameVector GFXImport   "GEM"  IMAGMARK.DLL ^.gem
14="GIF " FRAM GIF  DIB         FMGFXImport "GIF" grphfilt.dll ^.gif
15="HPGL" IMAG HPGL FrameVector GFXImport  "HPGL" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.hgl
16="IGES" IMAG IGES FrameVector GFXImport  "IGES" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.igs
17="JPEG" IMAG JPEG FrameVector GFXImport "JPEG" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.jpg
18="PCX " FRAM PCX  DIB        FMGFXImport  "PCX" grphfilt.dll ^.pcx
19="PICT" IMAG "QuickDraw PICT" FrameVector GFXImport "QuickDraw PICT" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.pct
20="PNG " IMAG PNG FrameVector GFXImport "Portable Network Graphics" imagmark.dll ^.png
21="PNTG" FRAM MacPaint  DIB   GFXImport "MacPaint" macpaint.dll ^.mpt
22="SNRF" FRAM SunRF  DIB      FMGFXImport  "Sun Raster File" Frame.exe ^.rf
23="TIFF" FRAM TIFF  DIB       FMGFXImport  "TIFF"  grphfilt.dll ^.tif
24="WMF " FRAM WMF  WMF        FMGFXImport  "Windows Metafile" Frame.exe ^.wmf
25="WMF " IMAG WMF  FrameVector GFXImport "Windows Metafile to FrameVector" IMAGMARK.DLL  ^.wmf
26="WPG " IMAG WPG   FrameVector GFXImport  "WordPerfect Graphics" IMAGMARK.DLL ^.wpg
27="XWD " FRAM XWD   DIB       FMGFXImport  "XWD" grphfilt.dll ^.xwd
101="FRMV" FRAM FrameVector FrameVector FMGFXExport "FrameVector" Frame.exe ^.fmv
102="FRMI" FRAM FrameImage FrameImage FMBMPExport "FrameImage" Frame.exe ^.fmg
;103="CGM " IMAG FrameVector CGM GFXExport   "CGM" fmexport.dll ^.cgm
104="IGES" IMAG FrameVector IGES GFXExport  "IGES" fmexport.dll ^.igs
105="PICT" IMAG FrameVector "QuickDraw PICT" GFXExport  "QuickDraw PICT" fmexport.dll ^.pct
106="EPS " IMAG FrameVector EPSI GFXExport  "EPS" fmexport.dll ^.eps
107="TIFF" IMAG FrameVector TIFF BMPExport  "TIFF" fmexport.dll ^.tif
108="DIB" IMAG FrameVector DIB BMPExport "DIB" fmexport.dll ^.bmp
109="GIF " IMAG FrameVector GIF  BMPExport  "GIF" fmexport.dll ^.gif
110="G4IM" IMAG FrameVector CCITTG4 BMPExport  "CCITTG4" fmexport.dll ^.g4
111="JPEG" IMAG FrameVector JPEG BMPExport "JPEG" fmexport.dll ^.jpg
112="PNG " IMAG FrameVector PNG BMPExport "Portable Network Graphics" fmexport.dll ^.png
113="WMF " IMAG FrameVector WMF GFXExport "Windows Metafile" fmexport.dll ^.png
114="PDF " FRAM  FrameVector PDF GFXExport "PDF" frame.exe ^.pdf
201="MIF " FRAM MIF  MKR        FMTextImport "MIF" Frame.exe ^.mif
202="MML " FRAM MML  MIF        FMTextImport "MML" Frame.exe ^.mml
203="TEXT" FRAM Text  MKR       FMTextImport "Text" Frame.exe ^.txt
204="CVBN" FFLT Ventura  MIF TextImport      "Ventura Publisher" VP2MIF.EXE ^.chp
205="0490" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0/7.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
206="0441" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
207="0440" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word for Windows 1.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
208="049m" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word Macintosh 6.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
209="0052" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word DOS 5.0/6.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
210="0051" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word DOS 4.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
211="0050" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word DOS 3.0, 3.1" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
212="0542" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word Mac 5.x" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
213="0541" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word Mac 4.x" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
214="0540" AW4W MSWord MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word Mac 3.x" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
215="0191" AW4W RTF MIF TextImport "Microsoft RTF" aw4w.xxx ^.rtf
216="0482" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect DOS/Win 7.0" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
217="0481" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect DOS/Win 6.1" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
218="0480" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect DOS/Win 6.0" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
219="0071" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect DOS/Win 5.1" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
220="0070" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect DOS/Win 5.0" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
221="0601" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect Mac 3.0-3.5" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
222="0600" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect Mac 2.0-2.1" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
223="0590" AW4W WordPerfect MIF TextImport "WordPerfect Mac 1.0" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
224="0460" AW4W IAF MIF TextImport "InterLeaf ASCII Format" aw4w.xxx ^.iaf
225="0150" AW4W DCA0 MIF TextImport "DCA Revisable Form Text" aw4w.xxx ^.dcs
226="0151" AW4W DCA1 MIF TextImport "DCA RFT (DisplayWrite 5)" aw4w.xxx ^.dcs
227="0331" AW4W Ami MIF TextImport "Ami Professional 2-3.1" aw4w.xxx ^.ami
228="0330" AW4W Ami MIF TextImport "Ami Professional 1" aw4w.xxx ^.ami
229="0204" AW4W Lotus MIF TextImport "Lotus 1-2-3 5.0" aw4w.xxx ^.123
230="0203" AW4W Lotus MIF TextImport "Lotus 1-2-3 4.0" aw4w.xxx ^.123
231="0214" AW4W Excel MIF TextImport "Microsoft Excel 5.0" aw4w.xxx ^.xls
232="3490" AW4W MSWord97 MIF TextImport "Microsoft Word97/98/2000" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
301="0192" AW4W MIF RTF ExportFilter "Microsoft RTF" aw4w.xxx ^.rtf
302="0490" AW4W MIF MSWord ExportFilter "Microsoft Word Win 6.0/7.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
303="049m" AW4W MIF MSWord ExportFilter "Microsoft Word Mac 6.0" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
304="0542" AW4W MIF MSWord ExportFilter "Microsoft Word Mac 5.x" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
305="0541" AW4W MIF MSWord ExportFilter "Microsoft Word Mac 4.x" aw4w.xxx ^.msw
306="0071" AW4W MIF WordPerfect ExportFilter "WordPerfect DOS/Win 5.1" aw4w.xxx ^.wp
307="0602" AW4W MIF WordPerfect ExportFilter "WordPerfect Mac 3.5" aw4w.xxx ^.wp

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