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Re: [Fwd: Re: FrameMaker+SGML and XML data]

At 05:54 PM 9/29/00 +0100, Mark Barratt wrote:
>You simply can't import XML files into FM+SGML (or ordinary Frame
>either). This is not necessarily the end of the story, given that Frame
>is the best existing product for formatting for print from structured
>data - it may be worth going through some hoops to *make* it work.

  You gave a good, concise summary of importing and exporting XML to
and from FM+SGML. Let me just add one observation to your remarks in the
paragraph I've quoted above.
  Although XML is merely a set of conventions for using SGML, it does
use a recent enhancement to SGML that FM+SGML does not support. In 
particular, an element with no content can be tagged in XML as
while in older forms of SGML, it must be either
if the DTD allows the element to have content even though this particular
one happens not to, or simply
if the DTD prohibits the element from having content, or more, precisely
if the element has declared content EMPTY. When I'm using FM+SGML in an
XML environment, I use the following trick. Instead of element type
declarations such as
     <!ELEMENT xxx - o EMPTY>
I use
     <!ELEMENT xxx - - (ForImplementationOnly?) -(ForImplementationOnly)>
Thus, instead of explicitly prohibiting content for xxx, I say it can
optionally contain a single ForImplementationOnly element and then I
turn around and prohibit ForImplementationOnly within it. Logically, of course,
the effect is that nothing can occur in an xxx, but the end-tag is still
required. Therefore, FM+SGML exports an xxx element with a start-tag and
an end-tag making both SGML and XML parsers happy.
  This trick does not work for object elements such as cross-references
or graphics, because FM+SGML still does not export the end-tag. However,
the FDK can easily provide end-tags for them.

Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.

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