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Announcement: FrameMaker and FrameMaker+SGML Training


      Adobe FrameMaker and FrameMaker+SGML Training Classes

Information Consultants, Inc. (INFOCON) is hosting classes for both
FrameMaker and FrameMaker+SGML at its facility in Hockessin, Delaware
(30 miles southwest of Philadelphia, PA; 75 miles north of Baltimore MD).
Classes can also be held at your facility, call for details and pricing.

Classes taught by a FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Adobe Certified Expert
(ACE).  Windows 98 (AMD K6-2 or Pentium III) systems, with 17-inch
high resolution monitors or Unix (Solaris) systems available.

The classes are based on version 6 of the FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML.

                    FrameMaker Classes

Basic Training                     3 days     $795.00
       Aug. 14-16, 2000
       Sep. 18-20, 2000
       Oct. 16-18, 2000

This three-day class includes Working with Documents and Templates,
Character and Paragraph Formats (including Autonumbering), Tables,
Graphics, Output to Print and Acrobat PDF Formats, Using Master and
Reference Pages.

Advanced Topics                    2 days     $595.00
       Aug. 17-18, 2000
       Sep. 21-22, 2000
       Oct. 19-20, 2000

This two-day class includes Book Building, Text Flows, Variables,
Conditional Text, Hypertext, Indices and Tables of Contents, Designing

                    FrameMaker+SGML classes

Authoring Structured Documents     2 days     $795.00
       Aug. 29-30
       Sep. 25-26
       Oct. 23-24

This course inncludes the following topics: Editing text and Structure,
Attributes, Validation, Cross-References, Variables and Footnotes,
Anchored Frames, Imported Graphics, Tables, Generating Tables of
Contents and Indices.

Defining Structure: EDDs           2 days     $795.00
       Aug. 31-Sep. 1
       Sep. 27-28
       Oct. 25-26

This class introduces: Basic Element Types; General Rules for
Container Elements, Footnotes, Tables and Tables Parts; Inclusions
and Exclusions; Initial Objenct Formats, Text Format, First/Last, 
and Prefix/Suffix Rules; Book Elements; and Structuring Unstructured
Data (Conversion Tables)

Three or more students from the same company registering for the same
session of a class each receive a 10% discount.

Register for both the "Basic Training" and "Advanced Topics" class, or
the "Authoring Structured Documents" and "Defining Structure" classes,
and receive an additional 5% discount, and have up to two months to
complete both courses.

Fees are due at time of registration and can be by credit card, money order,
company purchase order, or check. Visa/MasterCard/American Express accepted.

	Call 302-239-2942 today to register for these classes, or

contact us via email: training@infocon.com <mailto:training@infocon.com>

-- Lester
 Lester C. Smalley               |  email: LSmalley@Infocon.com
 Information Consultants, Inc.   |  phone: (302) 239-2942
 Hockessin, DE  USA 19707-0310   |  fax:   (302) 239-1712
  * Adobe Certified Expert -- FrameMaker and FrameMaker+SGML *
INFOCON is an ADOBE Solution Sales Provider offering hardware and
software focused on integrated office solutions for productivity.

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