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Shortcuts: Phil Huston's full list of of Frame Esc sequences and other shortcuts

Hi Tom:

> I'd sure like to hear from someone who's studied this,
> though. I'm about to dive into it myself soon.

In May 1997 Phil Huston reposted a list of about 350 FrameMaker
Esc sequences (should work cross-platform) and other shortcuts
(do work on UNIX; may work on other platforms. The list is in
shortcut order and can be found in the extremely useful PIK
FrameMaker archives at:

In the Query fields enter:

Author:	huston
Subject:	shortcuts

The list was posted a few times so several documents are returned.
Select them all and click Fetch Documents. Unfortunately the list
was first posted as an attachment, which doesn't appear in the
archives, but at least one of the messages contains the text of
the list in full. You can copy the text, paste it into a new text
file of your own, and hey presto, a searchable shortcut reference.

Phil also posted the same list sorted by keyword, but only as an
attachment so it doesn't appear in the archives. If anyone saved
copies of these it would be great to make them available for
download on one of the Frame resources sites.

Happy framing and happy archive searching (thanks Dietmar!).

Stuart Burnfield
Gentoo Communications


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