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Re: I'm off-line 5/22-7/5

At 5/17/00 11:42 AM, Lee Richardson wrote:
>I'm gone on a 6-week sabbatical starting next Monday, May 22, to return the first week in July. I'll leave my subscriptions running for both frameusers.com and omsys.com, but have no plans to answer email during that time, so you won't see anything from me on either list for awhile.
>Various people in FrameMaker engineering and tech support will continue monitoring both lists. And Dov will probably get in a comment or two now and then, though I think he's travelling for the next week.
>Have a good late spring and early summer, hope you enjoy getting to know FM6, and I'll see you in July.

Per Lee's comments above, I will have spotty email connectivity (slow
connections, if any available) over the next eight days or so while I am at
DRUPA in Dusseldorf. (Adobe email servers are tight behind a firewall.)
For those of you who are unaware of what DRUPA is, it is the largest 
international print trade show held every five years in Dusseldorf, Germany.
Acres of printing technology from content creation and prepress software to
full size ten-color printing presses and book binding and finishing equipment.
Great way to get a view, feel, (and whiff) of the real world of output.
Please understand if those of you sending email to me don't get responses
for at least a few days.

... and Lee's sabbatical is most well-deserved. Lee, have a great one!

         - Dov

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