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Replying to InFrame Articles was Re: Where is a website thatcompares Word and Frame


In response to Esmond's reply (qouted from the digest):

From: Esmond Pitt <pitte@cpgen.cpg.com.au>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 18:09:58 +1000

I do not wish to start or prolong any discussions about Frame, which I 
use from choice, and Word, which
I use only when obliged.

However, in fairness, the review at 
http://www.inframe-mag.com/pages/002-f120.html is inaccurate in a number 
of ways which negatively affect the evaluation of Word. The author makes 
a number of assertions which are simply untrue:

- Word cannot automatically do sequential chapter numbers
- Word cannot automatically do sequential page numbers between chapters
- Word cannot automatically do chapters starting on the RHS
- "in Word, you have to print every chapter in a manual separately"
- Word doesn't support generated lists

I certainly don't want to argue that all these features are perfectly or 
ideally implemented in Word, but they certainly do exist.

He also claims that Frame "enables you to open, close, or save all the 
files within a manual simultaneously".


End quote

Colleagues have already answered the Frame assertion. (It does, and I've used this feature for years.)

As to the assertions about Word, that's what InFrame is about. As an e-zine, we wish to encourage lively debate amongst the FrameMaker user community. We hope to enlighten and help you with your love-hate relationship with FrameMaker. We even hope to entertain you.

To make this possible, please submit your piece, even if it's a 180 degrees opposite of something already published. There are frequently many valid viewpoints and workflows that can produce the same results.

And you wonder, where has Paul been lo' these many months? Those of you with good memories may recall something about "Whirlwinds & Whirlpools" several months ago now. Well, my calendar year 2000 pace has not slowed down, leaving me too little time to individually beg potential authors to write. We do not have enough material gathered for another issue yet.

So, want to see more of InFrame in 2000? Please help us out and help me nag potential authors to write and submit their work. By the (USA) Memorial Day holiday weekend, I hope to have my InFrame life back in order and can again post progress (or lack thereof) to the lists. I can state with assuredness that we have nothing on FrameMaker 6.

Write, submit, nag, anything you can do will help the FrameMaker user community.



Now for the boring and re-posted submission information.

As to how to post contributions or submissions to InFrame, it's simple. Please forward your submission directly to me at:


     or for some email browsers:


(You'll note this is different from the address I use to post to Framers.)

Even it you're not sure if the topic would interest your fellow Framers, please consider writing it up. If you'd prefer, you can email me your proposal and we can discuss whether it fits.

A brief note about submission requirements: We prefer FrameMaker 5.5.6 and below and all graphics as either tif or bmp. We will handle the conversions necessary for our site. If necessary for the article's look and feel, we can handle Acrobat 4 and below.

Paul K. Schulte
InFrame Production Manager
Visit us at:

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