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FW: Attachments Not Allowed on Framers

I wonder if the complaint from Frameusers, below, is sent to others who
email to Framers. I didn't copy Frameusers when I send a couple of messages
to the Framers list recently, but in each instance I got this alert from
Frameusers, which suggests that Framers forwards my contribution to the
Frameusers list as an attachment. Since I can reach that list directly, I
have no need for Framers to do it for me. Could there be another
Bill Fetzner, Technical Writer
Electronics Theatre Controls, Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin

-----Original Message-----
From: Lyris [mailto:lyris@lists.frameusers.com]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 3:58 PM
To: BFetzner@etcconnect.com
Subject: Attachments Not Allowed on Framers

Because attachments (including images, v-cards, document files, and the 
like) messages tend to cause a variety of problems (best case, they add a
lot of garbage, and worse case, they contain viruses) when posted to a 
mailing list, no attachments are accepted on free-framers-archive.

Your attempted post has been returned to you. 

Please send only plain text with no attachments to the list. Go ahead and
send your post again. It was not posted to the list.

Best Regards,

Brad Anderson
