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Re: Defining a document's starting page number

Ezra asked:
Subject: Defining a document's starting page number

What is the interaction between the 1st page number field in the
Numbering Properties dialog box (displayed by selecting
Format->Document->Numbering from a document window) and the Page
Numbering popup menu in the Setup File dialog box (displayed by
selecting File->Setup File from the book window). I'm assuming here that
a given document is also part of a book.

It appears that there are two different ways to indicate the starting
page number for a document in a book.

Like other aspects of pagination, you can set individual files' page numbers
in their files using Document | Numbering... 
BUT when you update the book, the Set Up File settings for each file in the
book override the individual file settings in that file... 
UNLESS you have set that file's Set Up File properties to "Read from File". 
(Boy, what a lousy sentence. However...)

To continue: 
*	IMO, if you're using a book file, set all your pagination stuff in
the book file and only set the first page number in the first file in the
book (if needed).  
*	If you're working with a single file document, you can do what you
like in the doc file's numbering format, including some weirdnesses such as
setting the doc to start on a negative number (if you've shoved a title page
into the front of a single file and want the TOC or preface to be page i or
1 or A). [Note: it gets weird printing such files because one doesn't think
telling an application to print page -1, but I've done it...in Frame/Mac 3
and 4 and 5.]

Hope that helps.
Deborah Snavely

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