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Re: Finding unavailable fonts existing in doc

>Hi Framers:
>I am having a problem with fonts. I need to find some unavailable fonts in a
>Framemaker document that was converted from windows formatting to a Mac
>formatting. Here's the problem in a nutshell: I try to open the document on
>my pc and it says that there are some unavailable fonts- that I myself never
>used in the document. I think the problem is that the engineer who had the
>document before me maybe put in this now "unavailable" font formatting. My
>question is, how do I find the missing fonts? I already read the section of
>the manual-in most instances, you need to put your cursor in a similar text
>to what you are looking for or, you can modify your search slightly. The
>fonts that the computer says are "missing" or "unavailable" are vastly
>different. For example, one of the missing fonts is Arial Monotype Black". I
>know how to search for arial text but where do you find the selection
>(drop-down list for "monotype" in the character format find menu? Is the
finder the best/only option for me to use.


Select File > Preferences... and deselect Remember Missing Font Names.

Reapply all Paragraph Tags, ensuring that the do not include these 
unavailable fonts.

Save the document. They will not reappear.

If you want to get these fonts, which are TrueType, you can download 
them from Microsoft, or install Microsoft Word  98. They will be 
installed for you.

Scott Turner
CSI, Inc.
Engineering Services, Senior Technical Writer

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